The Door Man

I'm a guy who likes to stay inside my house all day, dosen't everybody do that? Oh well.
Anyway, let me tell you about the most scary story you've ever seen...
It all started when I was playing call of duty. And hear footsteps on my stairs, I see a shadow, with a knife, since I like creepy stuff I go and look at it. Nothing, I was suprised but happy beacuse I thought it was just my crazy head, I thought... I continue playing, and die by a player named "teh_d00r_men" I thought it was a strange name, and exited beacuse I had to eat lunch. Suddenly I hear a doorbell.
I open my door nothing. After I eat my lunch I hear a second doorbell, I open it nothing. I go up, and on my floor, in sharpie it is written, "doors" I thought it was my cat, and moved on. next I go up stairs and see a paper taped to the wall saying "the door man" And then I remember something, that was the name of the call of duty player! I get suspicous... I go take a nap. When I wake up, I get up I hear a knock, I open it, and see a dead body, in blood it is written, "doors, i like doors do you" then I see a shadowy figure, looking at me from the staircase, it knocks me out, I wake up in bed, getting nightmares to this very day, I don't remember anything else...